Tuesday 21 June 2011

HambaMU Ya Allah

Ke arah satu perjalanan
Dalam sebuah kehidupan
Demi untuk mengecapi
Hasrat murni di dalam hati

Usaha dengan doa
Masanya akan tiba
Dengan restu Illahi
Kelak pasti akan ditemui
Suluhkan cahaya di hati terang (Allah)
Tunjukkan jalan seandainya hilang (Allah)
Tegakkan perjalanan yang bakal ditempuh
Tegakkan semangat bila runtuh
Setibanya di sisiMu ku berserah
Terimalahku hambaMu Allah
HambaMu Allah
Sekiranya takdir menguji
Cekalkanlah hasrat di hati
Semoga kesusahan bisa
Mengajar erti terus asa
Usaha dengan doa
Masanya akan tiba
Dengan restu Illahi
Kelak pasti akan ditemui
Suluhkan cahaya di hati terang (Allah)
Tunjukkan jalan seandainya hilang (Allah)
Tegakkan perjalanan yang bakal ditempuh
Tegakkan semangat bila runtuh
Setibanya di sisiMu ku berserah
Terimalahku hambaMu Allah
Dengan restu Illahi
Kelak pasti akan ditemui
Suluhkan cahaya di hati terang (Allah)
Tunjukkan jalan seandainya hilang (Allah)
Tegakkan perjalanan yang bakal ditempuh
Tegakkan semangat bila runtuh
Setibanya di sisiMu ku berserah
Terimalahku hambaMu Allah
HambaMu Allah
HambaMu Allah

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Respect atau mudah difahami sebagai hormat.suatu ungkapan yang setiap dari kita tahu tapi berapa ramai daripada kita yang mengamalkanya?ya...berapa ramai yang ikhlas menguna pakai hormat dalam kehidupanya?Aah...ramai daripada kita yang berpura-pura menghormati sesorang tidak kiralah kerana pangkat,harta dan kedudukan...Ada Udang Disebalik Batu lah katakan....hormat ada makna mungkin???? hormat sepatutnya bukan dipaksa tetapi diperoleh...atau dalam pepatah inggerisnya...respect to be gain not by force..sudah menjadi lumrah...orang yang punya kuasa dan kemewahan selalu ingin dihormati tetapi sukar menghormati...ya...kerana apa??????kuasa dan kemewahan nilai hormat bagi manusia...nahhhhhh...ini lah punca manusia semakin angkuh mencari harta dan kuasa...dengan kuasa aku punya harta..dan dengan harta aku punya kuasa..(Rasuah bukan?)....Hormatlah kerana ilmu...kerana nilai akhlak dan kerana budi......kerana ianya pasti datangya dari hati yang ikhlas...

Monday 23 May 2011

What Is Scavenging?

For a better combustion of fuel oil inside a marine diesel engine, an adequate supply of fresh air is needed. The method by which sufficient amount of air is provided to the engine's cylinder is known as scavenging.
Scavenging is generally provided by the engine's turbo-charging system. The more efficient the scavenging, the better is the fuel combustion and power output of the engine.Turbochargers are provided with the engine to use the exhaust gases in order to supply a consistent flow of fresh air inside the main engine.

Scavenging for Two stroke and Four stroke Engines

Scavenging is not the same for both two stroke and four stroke engines. This is mainly because in the four- stroke engine there is adequate overlap between the opening of the inlet valve and closing of the exhaust valve. But in a two-stroke engine this overlap is limited and for this reason a slight mixture of exhaust gases and incoming air occurs inside the cylinder.
Also, in a four stroke engine the air is induced during a downwards stroke of one of the two cycles, i.e per power stroke, and the exhaust gases are removed in the preceding stroke.
But in a two stroke engine there is no specific cycle of scavenging. Air is introduced during the end of power stroke when the exhaust gases are removed. The time of scavenging is too less in two stroke engines, as greater the exhaust valves stay open lesser the time the piston gets for compression. To prevent the effects due to this phenomenon, more amount of fresh air is supplied. Thus, greater the scavenging better the combustion of fuel.

Scavenging methods

There are different types of scavenging methods that are used in both two and four stroke engines but the basic principle remains the same, i,e. the fresh air enters the cylinder by the opening of the port during the downward stroke of the piston and continues till the port is closed by the upward stroke of the piston. The different types of scavenging methods are based on the location of scavenge ports and design and shape of engine's exhaust arrangement.
There are mainly three types of scavenging systems :
1) Cross flow
2) Loop
3) Uni-flow
The main difference between the first two system and the uni-flow system is that the former ones require the movement of piston to open and close ports , while the later one requires an exhaust valve for the scavenging to take place. Nowadays, most of the modern ships use uni-flow scavenging system which comprises of a cylinder-head exhaust valve.

Cross Scavenging

Cross scavenging takes place with the help of movement of the piston. The inlet and the exhaust ports are found on the opposite side of the cylinder with the exhaust port situated at a higher level than the inlet port. Once the ignition of fuel takes place, the piston experiences a downward movement due to the expansion of gases. The downward linear motion of the piston first uncovers the exhaust ports which results in the release of exhaust gas at a pressure more than the atmospheric pressure.
This sudden release of pressure from the cylinder is known as blowdown and its effects can be seen on the power card towards the end of the cycle. The piston moves further downward and opens the inlet port to let a fresh stock of air enter the cylinder. The piston again moves up, compressing the fresh air for the next combustion cycle.
In the next article we will learn about the other two types of scavenging systems and their advantages and disadvantages.
Cross type

References & Image Credits

Marine Auxiliary Machinery, 7th Edition, 1995 by McGeorge

Sunday 22 May 2011

Hidup dan Matiku Kerana Allah

Sebagai manusia biasa kita tidak terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan.Namun persoalanya disini adalah kesudahan penghidupan kita ke arah kebaikan atau keburukan...Sememangnya jika kita mnyulusuri kehidupan ini..pastinya kita dapat mngerti bahawa Allah sentiasa berbicara dengan kita.Setitis air mata kesedihan itu umpama belaian kasih sayang dariNya...Dia hendak kita kembali berkata-katanya denganNya...Tapi kita sering meletakkan diri kita seperti dianiaya apabila dirundung masaalah dan tidak pernah ingin menyorot apakah keindahan disebalik episod duka itu....Apalah hendak dibandingkan seluruh duka dunia ini dengan selamanya nikmat di syurga nanti....

Saturday 21 May 2011

Salam Kerinduan

Adalah aku mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk benar benar memulakan coretan aku di alam maya memalui blog ini...aku tidak tahu mengapa saat ini yang menjadi titik mula aku melibatkan diri dengan lebih aktif dalam dunia baru ini...apakah desakan hati aku atau aku terpanggil untuk memberitahu orang di luar sana...aku ini wujud...